The Freedom Train in San Jose
At San Francisco
Preamble Express
SP Index

(click on logo to go to the Museum of America's Freedom Trains)
I shot all of the above B&W photos at about 3:00 am in College Park Yard on the morning that the Freedom Train left San Jose, December 17, 1976, after sitting on display at the site of SP's former San Pedro Street station. This was a singular event for me, because I had never before done any foaming, er, HISTORICAL RESEARCH at that time of the night, and I swore that I would never do that again. Of course, shortly thereafter, as a new-hire SP switchman, I worked many night shifts at CP Yard, at one point being nearly run over by a boxcar. So much for resolutions.

- E.O.

Background photo: Southbound Freedom train departing Santa Clara.